

Thank you for checking us out!  This page is designed to help you know what's going on and how to make the most of your visit!

What To Expect

We are relaxed, loving, friendly, and authentic.  When we say come as you are, we mean it!  You can be comfortable wearing anything from shorts to a tie.  We have yet to have someone show up wearing both.   You will be greeted upon entering into our building and our greeters would love to answer any questions you may have.  

We have children activities on Sunday mornings with our back ground checked adult volunteers.   

Sunday School 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM 

Praise & Worship 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

A typical Worship Service will last about 50 minutes. We sing praise songs led by our worship team, and following the collection of the offering, all children and youth are allowed to go to Student time. 11:20 am. 



Where We Are located at: 

45 Jefferson S. Avenue, Pulaski, VA 24301 - 540-994-2001 - nlcpulaski@gmail.com


Philippians 4:21-23 
21 Greet all God's people in Christ Jesus. The brothers and sisters who are with me send greetings. 22 All God's people here send you greetings, especially those who belong.... 23 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.






Agreed Statement of Belief

WE BELIEVE in one God—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

WE BELIEVE that the Old and New Testament Scriptures, given by plenary inspiration, contain all truth necessary to faith and Christian living

WE BELIEVE that man is born with a fallen nature, and is, therefore, inclined to evil, and that continually.

WE BELIEVE that the finally impenitent are hopelessly and eternally lost.

WE BELIEVE that the atonement through Jesus Christ is for the whole human race; and that whosoever repents and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ is justified and regenerated and saved from the dominion of sin.

WE BELIEVE that believers are to be sanctified wholly, subsequent to regeneration, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit bears witness to the new birth, and also to the entire sanctification of believers.

WE BELIEVE that our Lord will return, the dead will be raised, and the final judgment will take place.